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Ducted Pellet Stoves

65 products

  • ABRIL ES | Estufa de Pellets Bronpi | Stockestufa – Esangar ✔

    Bronpi April EX

    Invest in Bronpi 's Abril Ex for its long-lasting quality   Abril Ex by Bronpi is a pellet stove with a cast iron door and roof. With its new burner design it will allow you maximum fuel savings . Allows rear, side or rear smoke outlet. Allows you to disconnect the turbine to make it even quieter. With its capacity to heat up to 250 m3 , and its sober design and curved door, it is ideal for any home. Characteristics: Quick start Oasis Plus Double cleaning system New burner design. Dual camera system Clean glass system Silent operation SIC system Modulation system Model designed to facilitate access to maintenance Compatible with Wifi kit programmable Pressure relief valve for chamber Maximum power: 11kw Minimum maximum power (kW): 10.6-5kw Efficiency (%) 91-93% Minimum-maximum consumption (kg/h) 2.3-1 kg/h Power consumption (W) 150 - 300W Heating volume (m3) 250m3 Tank capacity (kg) 16kg Vermiculite interior Minimum-maximum autonomy (h.) 6.9-16h Weight (kg) 160kg Smoke outlet diameter (mm) 80 mm Air inlet diameter (mm) 50mm Forced ventilation (no. x m3) 1x430; 1x130 1x80 ductable Possibility of top, side or rear smoke outlet. Remote control or control panel Safety system: S1: Pellet safety thermostat, Pressure gauge Compatible accessories not included: WIFI KIT


  • ADEL| Estufa de Pellets Bronpi | Stockestufa – Esangar ✔

    Bronpi ADEL

     ADEL DE BRONPI ESTUFA DE PELLETS CANALIZABLE. La Estufa ADEL de Bronpi se destaca por su diseño ECO y una válvula de sobrepresión incorporada para mayor seguridad. Este modelo incluye control remoto, un kit WiFi  y kits de canalización opcional, ofreciendo gran versatilidad y comodidad. Disponible en dos colores, la estufa de pellets ADEL combina estilo y funcionalidad. Como parte de la gama de Estufas de Pellets Bronpi, esta opción es ideal para quienes buscan una estufa de pellets barata con precios económicos y características avanzadas. Además, su capacidad de canalización la convierte en una excelente elección como estufa de pellets canalizable para mejorar la distribución del calor en el hogar. Características KIT DE CANALIZACIÓN OPCIONAL rápido Oasis Plus Sistema de doble cámara Sistema de Cristal Limpio Sistema de Modulación Modelo diseñado para un fácil acceso a mantenimientos Compatible con Kit Wifi programable Potencia máxima: 14,3kw Potencia máxima-mín (kW): 13-6kw Rendimiento (%): 92-94% Consumo máximo-mín (kg/h): 3-1,4kg/h Consumo eléctrico (W): 70-300W Volumen calefactable (m3): 325M3 Capacidad del depósito (kg): 22kg interior de vermiculita Quemador en fundición Autonomía mín-máx (h.): 7,6-16h Peso (kg): 155kg Diámetro salida de humos (mm): 80mm Diámetro aspiración de aire (mm): 50mm Ventilación forzada (n° xm3 ): 1x430 Sistema seguridad: S1.Termostato seguridad pellet, Depresímetro Accesorios compatibles no incluidos:KIT WIFI, KIT DE CANALIZACIÓN

    €2.389,75 - €2.522,85

  • ADRY | Estufa de Pellets Bronpi | Stockestufa – Esangar ✔

    Bronpi ADRY

    ADRY - BRONPI DE 11KW La Estufa de Pellets Bronpi Adry de 11 kW Extraplana es una opción ideal para quienes buscan eficiencia y tecnología avanzada en un diseño compacto. Utiliza la tecnología Oasys Plus, la cual controla y analiza los factores clave de la combustión de pellets, asegurando una combustión perfecta en todo momento. Con su forma delgada, esta Estufa de Pellets Pasillera es perfecta para espacios reducidos. Perteneciente a la reconocida gama de Estufas de Pellets Bronpi, la Adry se presenta como una Estufa de Pellets Barata con Precios Económicos sin comprometer la calidad. Además, su diseño moderno y eficiente la convierte en una excelente opción para cualquier hogar. Características KIT DE CANALIZACIÓN OPCIONAL Oasis Plus Sistema de doble cámara Sistema de Cristal Limpio Sistema de Modulación Modelo diseñado para un fácil acceso a mantenimientos Compatible con Kit Wifi programable Opción de canalización superior o trasera Posibilidad de salida de humos superior, lateral o trasera. Potencia máxima: 11 kw Potencia máxima-mín: 10-5 kw Rendimiento (%): 91-92% Consumo máximo-mín (kg/h): 2,3-1,2kg/h Consumo eléctrico (W): 65-300W Volumen calefactable (m 3 ): 250m 3 Capacidad del depósito (kg): 17kg Interior de vermiculita Quemador en fundición Autonomía mín-máx (h.): 7,4-14,2h Peso (kg): 120kg Diámetro salida de humos (mm): 80mm Diámetro aspiración de aire (mm): 50mm Ventilación forzada (n° xm 3 ): 1x380 Mando a distancia o centralita Sistema seguridad: S1.: Termostato seguridad pellet, Depresímetro. Accesorios compatibles no incluidos: KIT WIFI; KIT DE CANALIZACIÓN

    €2.783,00 - €3.097,60

  • AMIKA Estufa de Pellets | Stockestufa - Esangar ✔

    Nordica Extraflame AMIKA

    Environmentally friendly AMIKA pellet stove for sustainable heating. The Nordic AMIKIA waterproof ventilated pellet stove is designed to offer maximum performance and, at the same time, add a luxurious appeal to the decoration of your home. The outer casing is made of 100% high quality steel. This means that this pellet stove exudes a premium and robust look that ensures a long lifespan. With a timeless design, this pellet stove fits effortlessly into any home, regardless of interior décor.  Amika from Nórdica Extraflame is a pellet stove that can heat up to 228 m3 and has an extraordinarily high thermal resistance. The stove has a sealed combustion chamber and an airtight tank. With its circular design, it provides a vertical view of the fire. It incorporates state-of-the-art features to ensure the safety and comfort of your home. Pellet stoves Ecological heating Efficient heating Low consumption stoves Nordic Stoves Stoves with remote control luxury stoves Characteristics: Stove with sealed combustion chamber and airtight tank Central rear smoke outlet Ceramic spark plug with latest generation ignition system. Combustion chamber differential safety system. Testing 100% of products on production line with tightness test at 50 Pa Centrifugal motor for room ventilation with Comfort function. Large ash drawer Tube Bundle Heat Exchanger Steel coating and front tempered glass, ceramic lid Door, cast iron hearth brazier Safety pressure switch Weekly chronothermostat LCD screen Safety pressure switch in ash drawer New IR touch remote control with backlit display Dimensions (LxHxW) 460x1200x465 mm Yield 92.6 - 91.2% Hourly expenditure 0.6 - 1.8 kg/h Smoke discharge diameter (Ø) 80 mm Total tank capacity 15 kg. Net Weight 121 kg - 124 kg PT A+ energy label

    €4.071,65 - €4.752,88

  • ANGELA PLUS EVO Estufa de Pellet Hermética y Canalizada de La Nordica | Stockestufa - Esangar ✔

    Nordica Extraflame ANGELA PLUS EVO

    Control your comfort with ANGELA PLUS EVO Are you looking for a heating solution that combines performance and comfort ? Do you want to control the temperature of your home from anywhere and save money on your electricity bill? ANGELA PLUS EVO is the answer. This advanced pellet stove is sealed and ducted , meaning it can distribute heat to different rooms with minimal energy loss. Its rated efficiency is 96%, meaning you'll get maximum heat from every pellet you burn. ANGELA PLUS EVO is also easy to handle and customize , thanks to its intelligent control system . You can program your thermostat to suit your heating preferences, set the timer, regulate fan speed, and monitor fuel level and operating status from your smartphone or tablet. ANGELA PLUS EVO is not only a heating source, but also a smart home assistant that makes your life easier and more pleasant.   pellet stove Efficient heating Simple control Smart home assistant Sealed and channeled. Dimensions (LxHxW) 490 x 1007 x 528 mm Net weight 98kg Yield 94.9 - 91.9% Hourly expenditure 0.5 - 1.8 kg/h Total tank capacity ~15 kg Smoke discharge diameter (Ø) 80 mm P Energy label Features​:  Stove with "airtight chamber" and "hermetic" tank Latest generation ignition system Side Tube Bundle Heat Exchanger Safety pressure switch cast iron brazier cast iron gate Pit for collecting ashes Comfort function Smoke evacuation through a rear ø80 outlet Multifunctional handheld radio control Specific motor for channeling. Channeling up to 8 meters through a ø80 rear outlet

    €3.509,00 - €3.870,79

  • ANNABELLA AD EVO Estufa de Pellet Estrecha y Canalizada La Nordica | Stockestufa - Esangar  ✔

    Nordica Extraflame ANNABELLA AD EVO

    ANNABELLA AD EVO Estufa de Pellet Estrecha y Canalizada de La Nórdica ANNABELLA AD EVO  es una estufa de pellet estrecha y canalizada , ideal para espacios reducidos como pasillos. Esta estufa de pellets pasillera combina un diseño compacto con tecnología avanzada para garantizar una distribución eficaz del calor en diferentes zonas de la casa.    Equipada con sistema de canalización, la ANNABELLA AD EVO permite calentar múltiples estancias simultáneamente, optimizando la eficiencia y la comodidad en tu hogar. Su estrecha estructura se integra perfectamente en cualquier decoración, proporcionando calor sin sacrificar el espacio.   Ofrecida a precios económicos , esta estufa canalizable de pellets representa una solución accesible y eficiente para quienes buscan un sistema de calefacción moderno y funcional.  La ANNABELLA AD EVO es la elección perfecta para disfrutar de un ambiente cálido y acogedor, manteniendo un control completo sobre la distribución del calor.      Características:  Intercambiador de haz de tubos Compartimento de cenizas depósito hermético Ventilación ambiente con salida superior con motor independiente. Poca profundidad del producto Canalización hasta 6 mt. y salida de humos Ø80 a través de 1 salida posterior, superior o lateral derecha Telemando IR táctil Pantalla LCD negra Datos Técnicos: Dimensiones (LxAlxAn) 703x1078x343 mm Peso neto 132 kg Rendimiento 93,5 - 91,9 % Gasto horario 0,8 - 2,0 kg/h Diámetro descarga de humos (Ø) 80 mm pos/sup/lat-dx Capacidad total depósito  14 kg Etiqueta energética A+ Potencia térmica nominal 3,4-9,0 kW m3 calefactables 258 m3

    €4.289,45 - €4.651,24

  • ANNALISA PLUS Estufa de Pellet Estanca con doble Canalización de La Nordica | Stockestufa - Esangar ✔

    Nordica Extraflame ANNALISA PLUS

    ANNALISA PLUS Estufa de Pellet Estanca con doble Canalización de La Nórdica La ANNALISA PLUS es una estufa de pellet estanca con doble canalización  que redefine la eficiencia en calefacción. Este modelo avanzado permite distribuir el calor de manera uniforme en múltiples estancias gracias a su  doble canalización , garantizando un ambiente confortable en todo el hogar. Su diseño  estanca  asegura una operación segura y ecológica, minimizando las emisiones y optimizando el consumo de pellets.  La ANNALISA PLUS es la solución perfecta para quienes buscan calidez y eficiencia sin compromisos. Características : Panel superior y encimera de chapa pintada. Puerta del hogar interior de fundición + exterior de chapa pintada Hogar con fondo de fundición y paredes Extraker Cajón para la recogida de cenizas extraíbles Ventilación con PRO AIR SETUP, excluible Manila con trinquete Bujía de cerámica para encendido rápido. Compartimento extraíble Brasero con limpieza automática y motor sin escobillas. Función FPC Plus AIR ZONE CONTROL con canalizaciones excluibles Modo automático Wi-Fi de serie con la aplicación “Total Control 3.0” Configuración fácil Control fácil Cronotermostato semanal Estanque de estufa Sonda montada en la cámara de combustión 2 motores dedicados para canalizaciones: longitud máxima de 8 metros, potencia mínima de 1,3 kW cada uno (con potencia P5) Salida de canalizaciones superior / trasera / lateral izquierda / lateral derecha. NOTA: Posibilidad de tener una canalización izquierda y otra derecha u otras soluciones “mixtas” diferentes. ** Datos provisionales en fase de homologación Datos Técnicos: Rendimiento > 88% ** Gasto horario 2,7 kg/h ** Dimensiones (LxAlxAn) 900 x 1150 x 420 mm ** Peso neto ** kg Diámetro descarga de humos (Ø) 80 mm P/S/Lat.dx ** Capacidad total depósito 24 kg ** Etiqueta energética A+ P otencia térmica nominal 3,6-12,0 kW m3 calefactables 344 m3

    €5.989,50 - €6.215,77

  • ASIA BIL | Stock Estufa-Esangar

    Nordica Extraflame ASIA BIL

    ASIA BII wood stove | Perfect combination of style and functionality.   The ASIA BII wood stove ! This robust and sophisticated wood stove is the perfect way to keep you warm and comfortable even on the coldest winter nights. Made with the highest quality materials and with an elegant and modern design, the ASIA BII wood stove is as elegant as it is efficient . Its compact , streamlined silhouette means it will fit perfectly into any home, while its impressive heating output will ensure your whole family stays cozy and warm no matter how cold it gets outside.     Wood stove nordic stove Domestic heating Energy efficient Ecological Characteristics: Cast iron hearth with post-combustion system. Exterior stone cladding cast iron doors Ceramic glass that resists up to: 750° vain portaleña Yield: 81.3% Dimensions (LxHxW): 438x930x470 mm Net weight: 159kg Hourly expenditure: 1.7 kg/h Smoke discharge diameter: (Ø) 120 mm Sup Energy label: A+ heated: 172 m3 Rated thermal power: 6.0 kW


  • BILD  UP - Stock Estufa

    Edilkamin BILD UP

    Stylish, space-saving pellet stoves. Experience efficient heating with Edilkamin Compact elegance, powerful warmth Introducing the elegant Pellet Stoves from Edilkamin, where top-notch design meets the warmth of your home. With a reduced depth of just 30cm, this pellet stove is a marvel of engineering, designed to fit perfectly into your living space without compromise. Enjoy the warmth of efficient heating that adapts to both your comfort and aesthetic preferences. BILD UP is a pellet stove made with a cast iron hearth and a choice of ceramic, glass or natural stone exterior coating. Pellet stoves with reduced depth (cm 30) Efficient heating pellet stove Reduced depth Energy efficiency Retrench of space Technical data DIMENSIONS (height x width x depth) 110x80x30 Useful power 4.4/9.1 kW Performance 89% Fuel consumption 1/2.1kg/h Tank capacity 22kg Autonomy 11/22 Hour Smoke outletØ 8/13cm Air intakeØ 4cm Weight 130Kg Heatable volume 235m³

    €4.791,00 - €4.827,90

  • BILD AIR TIGHT C UP - Stock Estufa

    Edilkamin Bild Air Tight C ductable

    BILD ducted pellet stoves AIR TIGHT C UP : efficiency and comfort for your home. The BILD AIR TIGHT C UP ducted pellet stove offers a natural stone finish for an elegant and durable appearance. With its channeling system , it allows several rooms to be heated with a single unit, which means savings on heating costs. In addition, its SEO technology guarantees greater energy efficiency and less environmental impact. pellet stove Reduced depth Energy efficiency Retrench of space Efficient heating Technical data DIMENSIONS (height x width x depth) 110x80x30 Useful power 4.4/9.1 kW Performance 89% Fuel consumption 1/2.1kg/h Tank capacity 22kg Autonomy 10/22 Hour Smoke outletØ 8/13cm Air intakeØ 4cm Weight 130Kg Heatable volume 235m³


  • BLADE2 H 18/22 UP ACERO - Stock Estufa

    Edilkamin BLADE2 H 18/22 UP STEEL

    Innovative heating with BLADE2 H 18/22 UP steel Ingenious Italian craftsmanship: Heating meets style. Made with Italian finesse, the BLADE2 H Pellet Thermostove is a testament to Edilkamin's commitment to quality. From the robust stainless steel outer casing, STEEL, to the intelligent heat distribution technology, this pellet stove is designed for those who make no compromises when it comes to performance and style. Its integrated technology allows you to manage heat like an art form, right at your fingertips. Luxurious Pellet Thermostove Sustainable heating Edilkamin pellet thermostoves Modern heating solution Renewable energy heating Technical data Blade2 H 18 Up Blade2 H 22 Up DIMENSIONS (height x width x depth) 120.5 x 104 x 39 Useful power 5.4/19.2Kw 5.4/22.8Kw Useful water power 15.5Kw 19Kw Performance 91.7% 91.6% Fuel consumption 1.2/4.4kg/h 1.2/5.2kg/h Tank capacity 30kg 30kg Autonomy 7/25 Hour 6/225 Hour water content 20L Smoke outlet Ø 8cm Air intake Ø 5cm Weight 259Kg Heatable volume 500m³ 590m³

    €5.844,30 - €5.965,30

  • BLADE2 H 18/22 UP CERAMICA - Stock Estufa

    Edilkamin BLADE2 H 18/22 UP CERAMIC

    Italian Design: The experience BLADE2 H 18/22 UP CERAMICA Transform the heat in your home with the BLADE2 H pellet stove. Experience the amalgamation of luxurious design and ecological technology with the BLADE2 H 18/22 UP CERAMICA pellet thermostove from Edilkamin. This state-of-the-art heating solution brings not only warmth but also a touch of modern elegance to your living space. Feel the embrace of consistent, efficient heating during the colder months with the innovative features of BLADE2 H. Luxurious thermo pellet stove Renewable energy heating Sustainable and ecological heating Edilkamin pellet thermostoves Modern heating solution Technical data Blade2 H 18 up Blade2 H 22 up DIMENSIONS (height x width x depth) 122x106x39 Useful power 5.4/19.2Kw 5.4/22.8Kw Useful water power 15.5Kw 19Kw Performance 91.7% 91.6% Fuel consumption 1.2/4.4 kg/hour 1.2/5.2 kg/hour deposit capacity 30kg 30kg autonomy 25/7 hour 6/225 hours water content 20L Smoke outlet Ø 8cm Air intake Ø 5cm Weight 307 kilos vol. heatable 500m³ 595m³

    €6.509,80 - €6.630,80

Estufas de pellets canalizables |Stockestufa | Esangar

Ductable pellet stoves

What is a ducted pellet stove?

Ducted pellet stoves get their name from the way they evenly distribute heat throughout multiple rooms using a system of air ducts.
With this type of heater, you can not only heat the desired room, but also channel hot air to other rooms through ducts to provide climate control. This is what differentiates ducted pellet stoves from traditional stoves: the way they expel hot air. The air is directed through previously installed ducts, distributing it to the different rooms of the house.
Ducted stoves are very useful if you want to heat several rooms in your house at the same time.

Biofuel: Pellets and Biomass

Biomass refers to organic matter that can be used as an energy source in a biological process, naturally or intentionally. Biomass fuel comes from plant waste.
Pellets are small cylindrical granules made from compressed sawdust, wood shavings or other waste materials. They are a form of biofuel that can be used for heating.

The combustion of the pellets produces a high calorific value and minimal ash. They are used as biofuel to generate bioenergy. They are clean, easy to handle and take up little space. Therefore, they are a cost-effective and environmentally friendly fuel source.

Operation of ducted pellet stoves

Ducted pellet stoves have an internal pellet tank where the fuel enters the combustion chamber depending on the user's preferences and the temperature of the space. When the pellets are burned, the combustion gases are sent to a heat exchanger where they transfer their thermal energy to the air that is exhausted out of the stove. Unlike traditional pellet stoves, these stoves come with one or two additional outlets to channel the heat generated in the combustion chamber and redistribute it through the pipes to keep temperatures high in each room of our home.

How to duct a pellet stove

They only need a nearby power outlet and an exhaust outlet to operate. In this way, they distribute heat evenly and effectively in different rooms at the same time.

You will need specific pipes, plasterboard and accessories to remove soot.
First of all, you must create a waste disposal system using a pipe placed in the wall (which can be connected to a chimney). The residue is removed using specific tools to clean the soot. If you don't have a chimney, you can build it along an exterior wall with double-wall insulated stainless steel pipes. It is also recommended to build a door at the base of the chimney to collect the soot that forms during the operation of the stove.
To create the interior ducts, it uses special modern pipes made of plastic, polybutylene and polypropylene, which are corrosion-resistant materials and can withstand phenomena such as electrolysis. The tubes will be placed on the ground, under the pavement, for greater safety and comfort.
Next, place the tubes along the walls so as not to take up space. Create false columns, arches or plasterboard walls of different sizes to house and hide the pipes. Finally, it camouflages the presence of the tubes.

How many meters can a pellet stove heat?

A simple pellet stove is capable of heating a room of 50 square meters with a consumption that varies between 0.6 and 1.9 kg/h, depending on the difference between the selected temperature and that of the room, as well as the insulation quality.

What electricity consumption does a pellet stove have?

A stove of about 9.5 KW consumes between 800 g and 2 kg of pellets for each hour of operation. Due to its high calorific value, 1 kg of pellet is equivalent to 5 kW of electrical energy and 2 kg of pellet is equivalent to 1 liter of diesel. To operate a pellet stove for 7 hours straight, 15 kg is enough.

How many outlets does a Ductable pellet stove have?

Unlike traditional pellet stoves, these stoves come with one or two additional outlets to channel the heat produced in the combustion chamber and be able to redistribute it through the tubes to withstand high temperatures in each of the rooms of our home.

How many meters can a pellet stove be ducted?

In general, ducted pellet stoves can reach ducting distances of up to 10 to 15 meters

What are ducted pellet stoves?

Unlike traditional pellet stoves, these stoves come with one or two additional outlets to channel the heat produced in the combustion chamber and be able to redistribute it through the tubes to withstand high temperatures in each of the rooms of our home.

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